Create Incredibly Persuasive, High Converting Shopify Product Pages Using These Two “Trust Drivers”

Because your product pages are where visitors make a clear ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ choice on whether or not they add the item to their cart….

….nailing your product pages is key.

No matter what it is you sell, these two ‘trust drivers’ will help persuade more of your visitors to decide ‘Yes’ on your product pages.

How to Inspire the Kind of Trust That Creates Customers

If someone hasn’t bought anything from you yet, then they don’t have any firsthand experience of being a customer of your company or using any of your products.

Which means that if they are going to buy from you, they have to take a small ‘leap of faith’ to make that first purchase.

They have to believe that your product will deliver the physical and/or emotional benefits they want to gain from buying it.

If they don’t, their chances of buying are slim.

The two main ‘questions of trust’ your potential customers are asking are:

  • How reliable has this product been in delivering the results it promises to other people? Have others had a good experience?
  • Does this company believe in & stand behind their products? How easy is it to return or exchange if it in fact is not what I believed it to be?

To boil those questions down to their essence, people want Reliability of Results and they want a Removal of Risk.

How to Demonstrate Reliability of Results on Your Shopify Product Pages

There are many ways to indicate the quality and reliability of your products, but there are a few that stand apart as the most powerful.

Unsurprisingly, testimonials + reviews from past customers are important…

….and the more you have, the better.

If you currently don’t have very many, that is okay too.

Start collecting more by including a ‘call to action’ for customers to leave a review. People are busy so you’ll want to make this ask at several different points.

Some ideas are to include this ‘call to action’ in the physical package they receive, in follow up emails after they’ve received their purchase, and in a personal ‘thank you’ note you send to them a couple weeks after their purchase.

While you’re collecting more reviews, be sure to feature a few strategically chosen reviews or testimonials.

You want these featured reviews to cover two things:

  • The various types or demographics of buyers your product is forand
  • The various objections and hesitations your potential buyers have

If people see other people like them who had similar fears & concerns as they have now getting the result they want through your product, they will move much closer to becoming a customer themselves.

Beyond the individuals who stepped up by giving your product(s) a review, you can also make use of other sources that give you credibility.

These include:

  • Being featured in various media outlets
  • Having some sort of celebrity endorsement
  • Having various certifications or awards
  • Having strength in numbers (i.e. “over 30,000 have bought and loved their widget from Widgets-R-Us!”)
  • Having a social media feed showing people who have tagged your company or used your hashtag while showing off the product(s) in the post

Highlight the proof you currently have that shows your product is reliable in delivering results….

….and all the while, continue gathering more proof.

In addition to showing that your products can be relied on, you need to remove as much risk from the purchase as you are able.

How to Remove the Risk of Purchase your Customers Face On Product Pages

Even with tons of proof in the reliability of your product, there will still be some levels of skepticism amongst your potential customers.

The best way to help them move past any remaining doubt is to remove as much of the risk from their end of the transaction as possible.

The more willing you are to demonstrate how much your company believes in your products, the more trust you engender to your customers.

When you take more of the risk in the transaction, you firmly demonstrate your confidence in your products.

Let’s explore a few ways that you can accomplish this:

Guarantees & Warranties

The right guarantee(s) or warranty will depend on what exactly your product is and does.

The most basic form would be something like a “Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee” where the customer is offered a kind of blanket security where if they aren’t satisfied for any reason they can return the item and get their money back.

You can guarantee that the product will deliver certain results, solve a certain problem, or serve a certain function.

Or with a warranty you can say that the product will do the above for at least a certain length of time.

More powerful guarantees & warranties will be more effective.

Powerful in this sense meaning longer lengths of time, less restrictions + greater ease for the customer to invoke it, and a greater promise of what the product will do for them.

It will be up to you to find the right mix between providing powerful reassurances to your potential customers while stating things that your products + your company are capable of standing behind.

[Note: it is a bit counterintuitive but in most cases, the longer period of time you offer a guarantee or warranty the less likely a customer is to invoke it and ask to return your product]

Depending on the nature of your products, you may need to use a little creativity.

Brainstorm at least 5 different guarantees or warranties you can offer on your products and then interview a handful of existing customers to ask them which ones are the most appealing to them.

Returns, Exchanges, and Shipping

John Carlton is one of the all-time copywriting greats. His chief professional function is to write words that motivate people to buy things, and he had this to say about your potential customers:

“Imagine them as drowsy, recently overfed sloths who were just laid down onto an incredibly comfortable couch.”

These are the creatures you must be able to motivate to buy your products. You have to imagine they are coming in to your site with absolutely no motivation to take a buying action….

….so to be able to achieve that feat, you need to be able to increase their desire for your product while also making it as easy to buy from you as possible.

We’re focusing on that second part here. We want to remove the barriers and obstacles (both physical & psychological) your potential customers face when considering buying from you.

These “sloths” truly loathe being inconvenienced in any way. We want to assure them not only is their “purchase risk” being relieved…

….we also want to minimizing their investment of time, energy, logistics, etc when potentially having to return or exchange the product.

By making it free and easy for them to modify or undo anything after they’ve made their purchase, you can help alleviate a lot of the ‘fear of the unknown’ that comes with buying online (AKA buying a product “sight unseen”).

Since we can’t exactly recreate the experience of buying something at a ‘brick-and-mortar’ store that you can physically examine before buying, providing these types of reassurances are the best we can do (until new technology emerges).

Make It Easy For Anyone To Contact You

If you’ve ever once had a bad experience trying to get in touch with a company that does not care much about supporting their customers, you know how much it sucks.

Even one experience like that can leave such a bad taste in the mouth that people (often subconsciously) choose not to deal with a company if they even remotely feel like they could be treated that way again….

….and even if your company does make it easy for customers to get in touch with you, it may not be immediately obvious to prospective customers.

Being clear about how you can be reached and what they can expect in terms of response time can create more trust between you and your potential customers.

When people see that you are openly willing to provide care and support to non-customers, they can easily imagine receiving as good (if not better) support once they are paid customers of your company.

We want to create a consistent experience for the customer where it is easy to get in contact with you at any point in their purchase path….

…so whether they are currently considering buying, waiting for their purchase to arrive, or have been a loyal customer for a long time….

….they believe they can get any questions answered and any problems resolved.

Where to Add These ‘Trust Drivers” on Your Product Page

Your visitors are going to see your site differently than you do.

While the same text, images, and other page elements are going to show up the same for them as they do for you….

….your visitors are seeing your site for the first time (or have only seen it a couple of times) as opposed to how often you look at your own Shopify store.

While you may be very aware of your various policies regarding guarantees or warranties or shipping / exchanges / returns or how to contact your company…..

….most of your visitors are not.

Even if you state these things clearly on your home page or they have their own dedicated page that explicitly share these details, a significant percentage of your visitors will skip or gloss right over a lot of the text on your site.

Truly it is difficult to “overdo it” when it comes to letting your customers know about the ways that you remove their risks & demonstrate your products’ reliability.

Your visitors will appreciate knowing and being reminded of all the ways your company tries to accommodate and serve them as customers.

(not to mention there is a lot of power in restating & reinforcing key benefits several times throughout the process of making a purchase)

There is likely room to have this sort of information on your home page, on your product pages, and on your cart page too.

On product pages, it is important to have these elements show up in the places where visitors look at the most.

If you use a heatmap software like Crazyegg or Hotjar or similar, you know exactly where visitors give the most attention to. If not, you can generally assume the areas above the fold and close to the ‘Add to Cart’ button receive a lot of attention.

If you can’t think of good places to add these elements, consider using something like a ‘Hellobar’:

….or a ‘sticky’ element in the corner of the page:

….or utilize the space under or around the ‘Add to Cart’ button:

Business Moves At The Speed of Trust

The more someone trusts your company, the faster & more likely they will be to make a purchase.

If a customer doesn’t see the things they need to trust you directly on your Shopify site, then they’re going to leave your site….

….and while they may leave to look for 3rd party reviews of your products and/or to ask their social networks if anyone they know has experience buying from you….

…once they’re off your site, the odds of them buying plummet.

There are too many distractions available on the internet and in our lives that can permanently pull them away from their potential purchase once they exit your site.

By showing on site the ways your product is reliable and how your company removes their risk, you can inspire the trust your visitors need to have in order to make a confident buying decision.

Using This Beyond Your Shopify Product Pages….

The two “trust drivers” we discussed at length in this article are key in any sale or persuasion attempt. Whether you’re hoping to get a family member to try something new or get another company to agree to a promotional partnership….

….making it easier, lower risk, and higher potential for reward for them is going to improve your odds of the outcome you desire.

We do the same for our clients by showcasing winning tests we’ve run, the positive impact they’ve had on revenue, and testimonials of clients describing the results earned through our work together.

While not as powerful ‘proof’ as the above, we also highlight various ‘Shopify Store Teardowns’ and feature our bestselling book Profit Hacking.

In addition to doing our best to prove the reliability of our results, we also remove any risk through our ROI guarantee:

We guarantee that the revenue gains you earn through the tests we run will more than pay for the cost of our services within 90 days of us working together.

And because conversion increases through winning A/B tests stick long term, the ROI you earn on this investment will continue to grow.

If you are interested in an introductory discussion to see if working together can bring you great (and guaranteed!) results, please take 20 seconds to fill out this 3 question Google Form & we will be in touch within 2 business days.

This Is Why Your Shopify Store Has Such A High Cart Abandonment Rate (And 2 Quick, Easy Fixes You Can Make to Improve It)

If you’re reading this, then you likely have been frustrated when you’ve looked at your Shopify and/or Google Analytics dashboards….

….you may have even lamented out loud “why are the cart and checkout abandonment rates so damn high on our Shopify store?!”

This is certainly one of the most aggravating parts of running an ecommerce site because you have done so many things right up until this point…

…you were able to create products the visitor wanted, your site helped the visitor find the right product(s) for them, and they made it to the last steps of the process before a purchase is completed.

And then they bounce right at the end of the process.

First Know That You Are Not Alone…

If you have never seen ecommerce industry wide stats for cart and checkout abandonment, then this might be both comforting as well as upsetting.

Comforting because you will know that you aren’t alone.

Upsetting because you may feel there is a hard cap on how much improvement you can make to be able win more of this potential revenue that is slipping away.

So let’s be clear now that there is always room for improvement and that even small conversion improvements on the cart and checkout pages have significant impacts on revenue growth (because optimizations at the ‘bottom of the funnel’ flow directly into increased revenue numbers).

By aggregating 37 different ecommerce studies that included measuring the cart abandonment rate for large numbers of online stores, the Baymard institute reports the average shopping cart abandonment rate for ecommerce sites is 69.23%

Seeing that, industry wide, almost 7 out of 10 people who get to the cart page do not complete their purchase may “normalize” the abandonment numbers you’re seeing for your own Shopify shopping cart and checkout pages.

But it doesn’t mean you have to accept your store’s current abandonment numbers laying down.

Here are 2 things you can do quickly that will help convince more of your visitors to complete their purchase:

Customize Your Shopify Checkout Page As Much As Possible

While I believe Shopify is for many reasons the superior choice for an ecommerce platform, it is by no means perfect.

One of the major drawbacks of Shopify is a lack of customizations that you can make (or A/B tests that you can run) on the checkout sequence.

Two of the main reasons why people abandon filling out checkout forms are that they “fail to build trust and credibility” and that they “fail to reinforce benefits”.

Adding items to the cart is a “soft” decision that doesn’t have any real sense of finality or exchange. Completing the checkout form is a “hard” decision.

When people are faced with “hard” decisions, it is useful to have gentle reminders of the benefits they are receiving as well as reasons to feel comfortable and trusting of the company they are about to give money to.

While for the most part, we can’t change your checkout, you do have some design control over the top section of the page.

Let’s take a look at an example of a Shopify store with the most basic version of this section:

The company simply has their name at the top of the page. There is no logo, no branding, no stated benefits, etc

Here’s a company that is doing more with that section of their checkout:

This company has a full width image that features their logo, their company name, and a piece of credibility when they state they were on the TV show ‘Shark Tank’.

I believe they could do even better by having an image of their product or having some sort of a ‘Before / After’ photo of better posture after using the product than the current image of a smiling woman.

Even though their execution isn’t perfect, it is clear this second example demonstrates more trust, credibility, and benefits that the first example.

If you are not taking advantage of your ability to add this full width image to keep the customer experience of your brand consistent as well as express a benefit or two, then make doing this something that is near the top of your ‘To Do’ list now.

Be Abundantly Clear About Your Shipping Costs & Delivery Range

A study from Statista shows that 4 of the top 8 reasons why shoppers abandon their carts are related to shipping.

The biggest offenders are ‘Expensive shipping’ and ‘No free shipping’. The next two are ‘Unaware of shipping costs’ and ‘Slow shipping’.

Offering free shipping and making it clear to your visitors that you ship for free would address the top 3 issues in one fell swoop.

Of course, may not work for the economics of your business to offer free shipping on all orders but there may be a certain total cart value threshold that it would make sense to offer that perk at.

If you do offer free shipping starting at a certain threshold, then it may be worth adding a dynamic calculator on the cart page that tells the visitor how far away they are from gaining the free shipping perk.

That could look like this:

And once the threshold has been reached, the same section would notify the visitor their order currently qualifies for free shipping.

At the very least, you want there to be as little ambiguity as possible about the specifics of shipping as possible.

The easiest way would be to offer a simple, clear flat rate shipping cost and state the range of business days it will take to arrive (while also stating that you offer a rush delivery option if desired).

The next easiest would be adding a shipping rate calculator to your cart page, which you can see how to do from Shopify’s knowledge base here.

Clever Solution for Offering Free Shipping

Because offering free shipping solves multiple issues people have related to cart abandonment, it is likely worth testing out a few ways to make that happen for your customers.

There is a good chance that you could raise prices of your most popular items by $5 (assuming these products already cost at least $25) while offering free shipping on the order.

Even if your shipping costs were previously $5 and the customer therefore is paying the same price either way for the item and having it shipped to them, people have proven over and over to be “irrational”.

While the total cost is the same, there often is greater appeal in seeing “product price + free shipping” as opposed to “product price + shipping cost”.

Some price testing may be the key that unlocks your ability to offer free shipping without crippling the economics of the transaction (and at the same time increasing transaction volume because less people abandon their carts).

Small Reductions in Cart Abandonment Have Big Impacts on Revenue

Any improvement that positively impacts your cart abandonment rate has a clear and direct impact on increasing your sales and revenue.

If you are unsure exactly how much more revenue you stand to earn each month by improving your overall conversion rate (which goes up when cart abandonment goes down), check out this free Conversion Calculator.

Even a small increase in conversion rate can lead to a material increase in revenue (not to mention that the higher your conversion rate is, the easier it is to afford bringing more traffic to your site).

If you are curious, you can also check out a few case studies for Shopify stores where we helped implement conversion improvements and run A/B tests.

One store saw their monthly revenue increase by over $48,000 per month through the tests we ran and changes we implemented together.

Another Shopify store grew monthly revenue by over $55,000 per month as a direct result of conversion gains won through our work together.

And if you’re interested to see if we can help your Shopify store attain similar growth through improving the site’s conversion rate, fill out this quick Google Form.

At the very least, we will share a few custom tips and ideas for your site when we get on the phone so you really only stand to gain by getting in touch!

The Guaranteed Way For A Shopify Store To Increase ROI on Their Paid Traffic

Paid traffic is becoming more expensive every year….

…and that trend is likely to continue….

Year after year, the world’s largest companies spend more and more of their advertising budget on digital channels.

It is clear that digital ad spend is increasing by the billions each year but some of the major ad networks may not be able to increase their supply of available ad units to meet the growing demand.

It is well documented that Facebook is running out of advertising space.

When demand grows and supply stays the same, prices go up.

You Have to Combat Rising Ad Cost By Increasing The Revenue Your Ad Spend Returns To You

If left alone, $1,000 lying under a mattress will lose value each year due to inflation.

If left alone, your ads will bring a worse ROI each year due to increasing ad costs.

While the costs are increasing, the ad platforms are also becoming more powerful. They continue creating new methods of reaching their audience and improving the accuracy of their targeting.

If you pay for traffic in any way, shape, or form then this article can help you increase the ROI you earn on your advertising spend.

The Key To Staying Ahead of Increasing Paid Traffic Costs for your Shopify Ecommerce Store

If we can be overly simplistic for a moment, paid traffic success boils down to two questions:

  1.  How much does it cost your company to buy a click?and
  2.  How much revenue does that click earn for your company?

When your Earnings Per Click (EPC) are higher than your Costs Per Click (CPC), you are running positive ROI paid traffic ads.

We’ve established, clicks are becoming more expensive and not only does that trend appear to not be changing…

…it in fact is accelerating in the direction of more expensive clicks.

Even with skilled people managing your paid traffic, there are forces beyond our control that will continue to drive the CPCs higher and higher.

The key to overcoming this is surrendering away that which you can’t control (AKA the amount clicks costs your business)…..

….and taking extreme ownership of that which you can control (AKA the total earnings a click returns back to your business).

The Virtuous Upward Cycle of Increasing Your Earnings Per Click (EPC)

Before we get into how to take full ownership over your Earnings Per Click, let’s take a look at the rewards available to those who make the decision to do so.

My first (virtual) business mentor was a man named Dan Kennedy. A common teaching of Dan’s was that:

“The business in the marketplace who could afford to spend the most to acquire a customer will win”

That doesn’t mean that you have to spend the most, it simply means that you can afford to if needed.

From the perspective of paid traffic, it means the higher your EPC is, the more you can afford to spend for each click.

As you are likely aware, there is some advertising that is currently “too expensive”….

….but expensive is a purely relative term.

Let’s imagine there was traffic that was really expensive. In fact, you have to pay $1,000 per click to get this traffic.

If you were able to earn $1,500 per click, then you wouldn’t consider the $1,000 too expensive of a price to pay.

What Happens As You Improve Your Earnings Per Click (EPC)

While the main benefit of an EPC increase is more revenue (and a better return on your advertising spend)…

…there are also several powerful secondary benefits too.

You are probably familiar that any individual click’s cost can vary greatly.

The cost per click can vary greatly depending on the ad’s:

  • the keywords or
  • the audience targeting or
  • the platform or
  • the location + size + placement

Right now there are two broad categories:

  • Paid traffic that is currently profitable for you to buy(meaning that your EPC on that traffic is greater than the CPC)
  • Paid traffic that is currently not profitable for you to buy(meaning the CPC > the EPC)

A powerful secondary benefit of increasing your ECP is that the higher it goes, the more ‘levels’ of paid traffic you can unlock.

There are ‘levels’ of traffic that were not profitable with an EPC of $1.00 that become profitable when the EPC grows to $1.50.

And it is possible for you to get sizeable improvements to your EPC in a fairly short period of time.

You can do this by fixing up the most glaring “conversion killers” on your Shopify store to increase your site’s conversion rate….

The Simple Equation To Unlock Higher Earnings Per Click (EPC)

Knowing your Cost Per Click (CPC) is fairly straightforward. That is one of the core pieces of data that show up in your ad account’ dashboards.

Getting to your Earnings Per Click (EPC) takes one easy equation:

EPC = Your Conversion Rate x Your Average Order Value (AOV)

So let’s say that your Shopify store’s current conversion rate on paid traffic is 3% and your average order value is $80.

That makes your EPC $2.40

An easy way to think about this is to visualize what would happen if 100 visitors came through paid traffic given that conversion rate and AOV:

You buy 100 clicks through your paid traffic ads. Because your conversion rate is 3%, 3 of those 100 visitors buy and on average they spend $80 each.

That means your earnings are $240 on those 100 clicks so each click delivered an EPC of $2.40

The key takeaway is that you increase your EPC by improving your conversion rate and/or by growing your average order value.

Note that if you have data on your average Lifetime Customer Value (LCV), you will likely want to use that number in your EPC equation in place of Average Order Value (AOV).

Having High Earnings Per Click Makes Everything Easier

Another secondary benefit of high EPCs is that they provide greater margin for error. They also provide more room to test + experiment new things.

With higher EPCs, you can more confidently test new ads, platforms, audiences, etc. This is because you know your core high performing campaigns can buoy a few failed campaigns while searching for more winners.

If you’ve ever heard of having an ‘abundance mindset’ vs a ‘scarcity mindset’….

….having higher EPCs encourages more thoughts + actions in line with ‘abundance’.

This is for two reasons. One being that higher current profitability allows you to focus on discovering more future growth opportunities…

….and the other being that the more profitable paid traffic is for your business, the more you can grow, empower, and better equip your team with resources for success.

Investments made into improving your EPC can very quickly pay for themselves and produce a highly positive ROI.

Improving your EPC will make every visitor who comes to your site more valuable to you.

The more valuable a visitor is to you, the easier it becomes to profitably attract more visitors to your site.

The more valuable a visitor is, the easier it becomes for your growth investments in new traffic sources to be profitable.

This includes sources well beyond paid traffic i.e. increasing your efforts in content marketing, organic social, or SEO for organic search traffic.

While it is harder to directly measure your ‘cost per click’ with these types of traffic sources, you can come up with ways to track your revenue from these sources compared to your costs involved in generating that traffic.

Suffice to say, regardless of whether the traffic is paid or organic:

Higher EPCs are the key to profitability now and to fueling your ongoing growth.

The Fastest Way To Increase Your Earnings Per Click (EPC)

The fastest way to increase your EPC is to increase your conversion rate.

Traffic and Conversion are two sides of the same coin. They are both needed for a sale to be made.

The main difference between the two though is that Traffic is a “commodity” while Conversion is an “asset”.

Meaning that if you buy a click for $2, the click is “consumed” and it is gone.

Conversion, on the other hand is something that can be reasonably relied on to deliver a consistent, valuable result.

Meaning that if your site converts about 3% of your visitors this month, all other things being equal, the site will convert about 3% of visitors next month.

It also means that if you make positive changes to your site that increase its conversion rate to grow to 3.5%, then your site will continue to convert about 3.5% of visitors next month.

You can significantly grow your profits and your EPC by having a ‘Traffic & Conversion Budget’ instead of just having a monthly “Traffic Budget”

Let’s show an example to show what we mean:

You have a $10,000 “Traffic Budget” per month. And in Month 1, you have two options.

Option 1 is to spend all $10,000 on traffic. The clicks cost $2 per and they return an earnings of $3 per click.

Option 2 is to spend $2,000 on conversion improvements for your site with the remaining $8,000 spent on traffic. Clicks still cost $2, but the conversion improvements have pushed the earnings per click to $3.50 up from $3

While Option 2 results in less total revenue for Month 1, it the exciting stuff is what happens in Month 2….and 3….and 4….and so on:

As mentioned above, Conversion is an ‘asset’.

With Option 2, we chose just for Month 1 to take a bit from Traffic and invest it into Conversion. Now in Month 2 we return to spending the full $10,000 into Traffic.

Because we improved our ‘conversion asset’ in Month 1 to grow the EPC to $3.50, our earnings are now $2,500 higher than if we put the full $10k into Traffic both months.

The one time investment into improving EPC via improving conversion rates gets paid for (and then some) each month in perpetuity.

Power The People (and in this case, you are the people)

When you have a more fluid “Traffic & Conversion” budget, you have the power & flexibility to find the right investment balance that produces the best results.

Depending on immediate and longer term business goals, you can shift between maximizing this month’s revenue and setting yourself up for increased future success.

There is no “right” or “wrong” investment balance, only what you feel is going to bring the greatest results for your business.

In our experience, increased investment on the Conversion side of the ledger tends to quickly provide a positive ROI….

….and the ROI of these investments continue to grow month after month after month.

You can spend money once to permanently improve your conversion rate…and therefore your EPC…and therefore your profits.

How to Take “Extreme Ownership” of Your Earnings Per Click (EPC)

Taking ownership of something means being committed to delivering the best results as efficiently as possible.

It means committing to something you know is important & not letting excuses get in the way of the goal.

No doubt, there are plenty of excuses available that gets in the way of people actually making conversion boosting improvements to their site.

Some of them being that:

  • You may now know what part(s) of your site are hurting your conversion rate and your EPC
  • You may not trust you can accurately measure whether changes you make hurt or help your conversion rate
  • You may have found A/B testing tools to be prohibitively expensive or overly difficult to use
  • You do not have the time or financial bandwith to support conversion improving operations

And the result of allowing these (and other) excuses to get in the way of deciding to take complete ownership of the conversion, EPC, and profit results of your Shopify store.

When excuses get in the way, important things fall by the wayside…

….and before you know it, months or even years have passed without any real progress towards your goal.

Because Paid Traffic Costs Are Continually Increasing…..Time Is Of The Essence

Paid traffic is getting more expensive each year. As cost increases erode profitability, your best defense is a concentrated effort to bolster your EPC.

The larger your EPC, the more protected you are from outside forces that you do not control….

The larger your EPC, the easier it becomes to successfully develop new traffic sources….

The larger your EPC grows, the more profitable every visitor to your site becomes (regardless of the traffic source).

We know the EPC formula is:

EPC = Your Conversion Rate x Your Average Order Value (AOV)

And we also know that we have two options to increase EPC:

We can increase our Conversion Rate and/or we can increase our Average Order Value.

How to Increase Average Order Value

There are entire books written about pricing strategy and I plan on doing a full article about this at some point.

Seeing as this article is already fairly lengthy, we’ll just give a few possibilities to explore here:

Try Offering Incentives (like Free Shipping) At Higher Order Value Totals

If you already offer Free Shipping for orders that are over $50, see what happens when you change it so you begin offering free shipping at $60.

Or see what happens when you offer Free Shipping at $50 and Free Two Day Shipping at $80.

And it doesn’t have to be shipping. It could be coupons or vouchers for future purchases, it could be a bonus gift (maybe a good way to rid yourself of some inventory that never moved), or anything else your imagination comes up with.

Test Increasing Your Prices

Your prices may be more elastic than you think.

It is possible that you can increase both your Average Order Value and your Conversion Rate at the same time by testing a price increase.

There are 3 main ways to go about testing your pricing:

(1) Making “cosmetic” changes to your pricing

This would be things like ending your prices in a “7” or a “9” or charging flat dollar amounts instead of amounts than have a decimal point + cents.

(2) Making “material” changes to your pricing without changing anything else

This would be raising your prices by say 10% without changing the products, benefits, or bonuses offered for the price asked.

(3) Making a “material” price change and improving the value of your offer

This would be raising your prices by say 10% but now you’re also giving them some sort of additional value in exchange for paying a higher price.

Ideally, your added cost to provide more value is less than the amount you’re increasing your prices by.

Alright, speaking of testing things – – let’s now discuss:

How to Increase Your Conversion Rate

There are many ways to go about increasing your conversion rate.

Some are difficult to execute. Some are nearly impossible to directly measure their impact.

Fortunately, one of the main methods of increasing your conversion rate is built to be able to be easily measured. That is A/B testing.

While many Shopify Stores have courted massive headaches into their lives by trying to run A/B tests…

….it is possible for A/B testing to be incredibly simple on your store.

But before we try to break down this entirety of this complicated process, let’s start at the beginning….

You Need to Know What To Test!

There are few things more frustrating than organizing all the tools, resources, and people together needed to begin running tests…..

….only to have your tests fail to increase your site’s conversion rate.

There are no shortage of “list posts” with titles like ’57 Things To Test On Your Shopify Store’, and they certainly have some value.

But nowhere close to the value of having custom recommendations specifically for your site created by an expert who has worked on + consulted with untold dozens of Shopify stores.

And if you are reading this right now, that is exactly what we are offering you – – for free!!

Take 30 seconds to fill out this short Google Form telling us your store’s URL and the best email address to send the custom recommendations to.

One of our experts will spend about half an hour dissecting your site and sending you some recommendations for tests to run and ways to increase your conversion rate.

There are no strings here nor any obligation on your part other than getting us started by filling out the Google Form.

These recommendations can help improve your conversion rate…..

…..which grows your EPC….

….which makes all your advertising more profitable.

We look forward to learning about your site and sharing a few ways to help you grow!


Want to Maximize The Profits Your Shopify Store Earns This Coming Holiday Season? Do These 3 Easy Things Today…

Hard to believe we’re already in the 4th quarter of 2017….

It is now crunch time for us to set our Shopify stores up for maximal success this coming holiday season.

Here are 3 things that are easy to do and will positively impact your sales (both during the holidays and beyond!)

Slow Speed Kills: How to Improve Your Shopify Store’s Load Speed

Site speed has become more and more important….both to your site’s conversion rate + bounce rate as well as to Google’s ranking algorithm.

People have grown less patient with sites that do not load quickly.

Google has learned through all the data they collect just how much their users dislike being sent to slow loading sites by their search results.

In the past few algorithm updates, Google has made it so that site speed significantly affects a site’s ranking in search results.

The Site Speed Quick Fix (That Cost Me $1,500 to Learn….)

A little while back, there was a guy who was introduced to me as a “Site Speed Wizard”.

He had some impressive results to back it up so I hired him for $1,500.

A couple days later, he was back with a list of fixes that should be made on the site. I agreed and he went to work making the changes.

It took a couple more days for him to make the changes and in that time, I happened to learn about two new tools for analyzing your site’s speed.

After looking my site up on these tools, I saw nearly the exact same recommendations the “Wizard” was currently implementing!

I asked him if these were the tools he uses to help perform his service and he was honest in admitting they were exactly what he uses for his clients!

And even though the tools he used are free, I was happy to pay him.

He executed quickly + professionally & the results speak for themselves:

Not only does my site now score better on site speed tests, more importantly my bounce rate has decreased and the speed improvement boosted my site from the 2nd & 3rd pages to now ranking on the first page of both Google and Bing for some of my most important search terms.

But enough about me, let’s get the same improved site speed results for you!

The two tools are Pingdom and GTmetrix and they are incredibly easy to use.

Those above links take you to the home pages for the tools and they look like this:


Pingdom Site Speed Test


GTmetrix Site Speed Test

Enter your URL in the box on the page and click the ‘Start Test’ or ‘Analyze’ button. Within 30 seconds you will get a report on that URL’s speed.

note: you can use these tools to analyze anyevery page of your website if you would like. I recommend analyzing at least:
– your home page
– a few of your highest trafficked product pages
– your cart page


Don’t Sweat Bad Grades On Your Speed Tests – – Focus On Improvement Today

Beware that GTmetrix almost always gives a worse grade and shows a slower ‘Page Load Time’ than what is really going on.

Pingdom is more accurate but it still errs towards grades and scores a bit worse than what your visitors are actually experiencing when they come to your site.

Pay little attention to the grade GTmetrix gives. In fact, pay all of your attention to the good & accurate recommendations it gives for how to improve your Shopify store’s speed.

On each individual row on your site speed reports, you can click on the ‘arrow’ in the row and the report will show you the exact parts of your webpage that are slowing it down.

The things recommended by these tools usually need to be done by your developer(s) but they’re typically relatively easy fixes.

So you’re not pouring too many things onto your developer(s), you can definitely invoke the ‘80/20 rule’ here by only addressing the rows that are the worst offenders that are causing the most drag to your load speed.

Of course, if you have the developer bandwith and/or you’re a high achieving type then definitely address every issue.

Note: For various server related reasons, temporary spikes in traffic can cause a website to slow down


Preparing now to make your website as fast as possible before the coming holiday traffic surge is a highly profitable action.


Do All The Retargeting & Remarketing on Your Shopify Store

You may have heard once that it takes 5 – 8 ‘touches’ on average before a sale is made. Some reports say the average is now closer to 14.

Regardless of the “true” number (and, more importantly, the right number for your business), we can all agree that most sales usually takes multiple touches before being completed.

Right now you may already have one or even several remarketing codes on your site, which is great but….

….during the holidays, you will want to be as omnipresent as possible. Being able to to have multiple touch points with your visitors across multiple different platforms will help you stand out amongst every other company (who also happen to be ramping up their efforts during this period of the year).

Do It Now

By setting up additional remarketing pixels + audiences now, you will have a pre-built “hot list” of visitors that visited your site during October, November, and December.

All other things equal, the more recently someone visited your site the “hotter” they are from a potential customer perspective.

You can become fairly omnipresent to these “hot” people. When someone starts “seeing you everywhere”, it inspires a layer of trust & confidence in your company and your product.

In fact, for a significant percentage of your visitors it can be the difference between buying and not buying.

The ‘Must Have’ Remarketing Codes On Your Site:

  • Google Remarketing
  • Facebook Custom Audience
  • AdRoll (or Criteo or Perfect Audience)

Google and Facebook remarketing are the two absolute musts.

AdRoll is my favorite complementary platform but Criteo or Perfect Audience (or similar) work too.

The power and reach of Google + Facebook’s advertising platforms continue to grow. They both regularly add new ways to reach their audience as well as add new platforms into their partner network.

Even with all their power, they still do not cover everything.

Having one other remarketing platform in addition to these two ‘big boys’ will give you near omnipresence when you want to have that effect (and can of course turn any or all of the remarketing platforms off when you want to scale back at all).

Secondary Remarketing Codes To Consider:

  • Bing Remarketing
  • Twitter Remarketing
  • A second platform between AdRoll, Criteo, + Perfect Audience

It is unlikely that your visitors use Bing more often than Google or Twitter more often than Facebook. Even so, some of your visitors are heavy Bing users or Twitter users.

Because of less competition for advertising space on Bing + Twitter, they are usually less expensive than their counterparts.

“The Attribution Problem”

One other thing to consider is that it is currently difficult to properly attribute the ‘value’ of each touch point on a customer’s path to making a purchase.

Even if a retargeting ad from one particular network didn’t lead directly to a click & a purchase, it could still have been an integral part of the customer’s decision making process.

This Strategy Has Benefits Far Beyond “Just” This Holiday Season

Note that this “omnipresent remarketing strategy” is a good strategy to be able to employ multiple times throughout every calendar year, not just for the coming holiday season.

Even if you don’t have any near term plans to run remarketing ads on any new platforms, your remarketing lists are valuable assets that can be built passively once the code is added to your site.

Every visitor that comes to your site without these remarketing codes added is wasted potential. That visitor is a potential future customer who may be lost forever without the ability to re-engage them via your (ever-growing) remarketing lists.

As the cliché goes, the best time to plant a tree was years ago and the second best time is now.

The Key To Making Omnipresent Retargeting Work = Be Creative + Be Relevant

Be creative with your retargeting ads. While the core of your retargeting will be about your products, you would benefit by adding some variety into your retargeting messages.

Has it happened to you where you go to a website and then you’re seeing the same damn ad with the same damn messaging over and over and over?

That experience likely did not inspire you to buy something from them.

You can have a much more positive impact on your visitors by showing a bit of variety in your ads and by showing up on a variety of different platforms.

Note: use a low ‘Impression Frequency Cap’ on each of your remarketing platforms to avoid your visitors getting burned out by your ads.

You can create variety by being creative (like wishing your visitors happy holidays or a happy new year or happy valentine’s day)…

….and by segmenting your audiences to show ads only to certain sects of your visitors (like presenting special offers only to visitors who abandoned a full cart or asking paid customers to leave a review of your products).

A year ago, I would have exclaimed “blasphemy!” to what I’m about to write here, but….

….not all advertising has to produce direct, measurable ROI. There is a significant “invisible ROI” when it comes to providing value, useful information, surprise, or delight to your customers and visitors.

For example, maybe your remarketing ad can offer them a ‘Holiday Shopping Guide For _____’.

Fill in the blank with the main demographic(s) for your product i.e. ‘The Holiday Shopping Guide For New Parents (And Their Baby)”

You can provide them some value and the time they will spend much more time engaged with your company through reading the guide (which can be as simple as a blog article) than they would with pretty much any regular advertisement.

Use those couple ideas as a starting place and let your creativity take over from here for your ominpresent remarketing strategy.

Start Running A/B Tests On Your Shopify Store

Alright so this article promised you 3 things that are ‘Easy’ to do….

….and there usually is nothing easy about running A/B tests (especially if you’ve never done it before).

Among the complications on the road to effectively running A/B tests on your Shopify Store are:

(1) Having a clear A/B testing strategy that maximizes results and minimizes wasted time, energy, and effort

Trying to start A/B testing without a strong strategy is a disaster waiting to happen.

Without a clear plan before starting, it is a near given that the entire process will turn into a painful WOMBAT (Waste of Money, Brains, and Time) for your company.

There is a difference between Googling for “ecommerce A/B testing ideas” and creating a cohesive strategy that can be properly executed by your existing team.

(2) Picking the right A/B testing tool

Most of the options in the A/B testing tool market are either incredibly difficult + buggy to use or they are incredibly expensive to access them. Some are both!

In fact, as far as I know there is only one way to get the best A/B testing tool for Shopify at a reasonable price. Do not worry, I will share this in a lower section when we’re discussing solutions (we’re only talking problems here!)

Suffice to say for now is that if you can get the right tool (at the right price) and have the right people to properly use the tool, then A/B testing doesn’t have to be overly expensive or complicated.

Which brings us to:

(3) Having the right development talent on your team to properly use the A/B testing tool on your Shopify site

Once you’ve selected from the large number of tools available on the market, you need to have at least 1 person on your team to be able to use the thing!

Developers are smart and they certainly can learn how to use an A/B testing tool but there are two main issues:

  • There is a steep learning curve for most of these tools and your developer(s) likely will not become proficient in time to win a few tests before the holiday season arrives
  • A significant part of the learning curve to proficiency inevitably includes making mistakes.

Unfortunately, most of these mistakes made by people who are new to A/B testing aren’t even detected until after the test has been running for several days and more likely several weeks or never discovered at all.

Those mistakes often create inaccurate data which means that you begin making decisions based on bad data.

Even worse, some of these errors can cause the site to not work properly on certain devices, screen sizes, or browsers. This means that you could potentially get bad data while serving a malfunctioning website to a segment of your visitors.

Okay so this section has been pretty negative. Maybe it scared you off from A/B testing at all….

….but obviously many companies are braving the costs and potential pitfalls of A/B testing because the results can be incredible:

One test to page structure increased traffic flow to product pages by 78%:

One test improving the top ‘slider’ section of a home page increased purchases by 35%:

And with only a few months of testing, a Shopify client of ours increased their ecommerce conversion rate from 3.54% to 4.26%:

…from 3.54% from April 1st – July 17th in the above screenshot to 4.26% from July 18th – October 31st below:

The Results Are Obviously Worth Pursuing, So How Can A/B Testing Be Easy?!

Let’s break down A/B testing into the only 3 things you need for success:

(1) The Right Tool to Run + Manage A/B tests

(2) The Right Strategy & Direction to Run An Effective Campaign

(3) Execution by Developers Experienced In Using A/B Testing Tool Specifically on Shopify Stores

If you are reading this, it is because there is at least 1 open spot for our “Shopify Done For You A/B Testing” service.

(When no spots are open, this section is changed to an offer to join the ‘Waitlist’ and we stop running paid traffic ads to the page)

This service comes with all 3 of the necessary ingredients above for A/B testing success. Here is a 2 sentence explanation for how we deliver each of the three to you:

(1) The Right Tool

We have an agency account with one of the best A/B testing tools available on the market.

We pay reduced rates for our individual subaccounts and our clients pay the reduced rate to access the tool as opposed to the more expensive “sticker price” they typically charge to new users (our clients pay a couple hundred per month for this tool as opposed to the “sticker price” being over two thousand dollars per month).

(2) The Right Strategy

Created + overseen directly by me, you have someone on the forefront of A/B testing with several years of running tests on Shopify Stores leading the way to a higher conversion rate.

My goal is to strike the right balance between high impact & ease of implementation so that good results come quickly without overly taxing your team when tests win and site changes need to be made.

(3) The Right Execution

Over the past few years of running Conversion For Good, I have worked with many dozen developers & have retained the best developers with in depth experience running tests on Shopify Stores to help execute this service for clients.

These developers work quickly and are have learned (often through direct past experience) how to avoid all the common mistakes + errors that can be made while running A/B tests.

If you want to win a few tests before the holiday season hits, this service may be your best option to get good results quickly.

To schedule a brief call with me to discuss whether this is a good fit for your Shopify Store, please use this Calendly link:

There are currently 8 6 remaining sub-accounts left in our Optimizely agency account. Because we are running paid traffic to this page (and other pages) in addition to outbound sales efforts, we expect to fill these spots quickly.

You Can Now Affordably & Easily Begin Running A/B Tests on Your Shopify Store….

….if you’ve been wanting to run A/B tests on your site for awhile but still aren’t, there is now something available that can get you quickly & easily started.

Even if no one on your team has experience using an A/B testing software tool, you can have an effective testing campaign in place by the end of October.

If you want to maximize the success of the coming Black Friday & holiday season, winning a few tests in October and early-mid November would provide a significant boost to revenue earned + customers gained.

You see, there are only 3 “ingredients” necessary to execute an effective A/B testing strategy on a Shopify Store:

(1) The Right Tool to Run + Manage A/B tests

(2) The Right Strategy & Direction to Run An Effective Campaign

(3) Expert Execution by Developers with Experience Using ‘The Right Tool’ Specifically on Shopify Stores

While it may sound simple, it isn’t always so simple to make into reality. There are some very real hurdles and obstacles for each of these 3 ingredients.

When navigated well, A/B testing can be a very high returning investment…..but when things complications arise (usually from a lacking in one of the 3 ingredients) then testing can be an expensive drain of money, energy, and time.

There is now a way for you to instantly get each of the 3 key ingredients for your business & quickly be able to begin executing A/B tests at a high level.

If you’ve been wanting to start running A/B tests on your Shopify site, schedule a 30 minute call with me:

Click Here To Schedule Your Call and…..

note that we only have 6 remaining accounts left available…..


Filling these 6 spots is our #1 business goal for October (and since beginning to run paid traffic to this page, multiple calls are being scheduled daily).

We recommend scheduling at your earliest convenience because once these remaining spots are gone, they’re gone…..

(…well truthfully, once they’re gone we’ll have a ‘Wait List’ for people who are interested in being first contacted when an account becomes available [fyi: accounts typically get filled for 6 – 9 months at a time])

Note: if you want to win a few tests before the coming Black Friday & holiday season, then you will want to be in one of the currently available 6 as opposed to on the wait list.


If you’ve been wanting to begin experiencing the profit increases that come with every test you win, Click Here To Schedule Your Call.

If You’re Reading This & Thinking: “Who The Hell You & Why Would Anyone Want to Schedule A Call With You?”

Great questions! I ask myself these pretty much every day when I wake up in the morning ha

My name is Steven Daar. Over the past 4 years, I have created A/B testing strategies for companies as big as Fortune 500s & as small as pre-revenue startups.

About two years ago I decided to focus specifically on Shopify ecommerce stores. Both Google & Bing now rank me highly for searches like “Shopify Conversion Optimization”.

Also, my book Profit Hacking spent over 16 months on Amazon’s best seller rankings in the ‘Web Marketing’ and ‘Ecommerce’ categories.



If you are interested in seeing if you can get A/B testing up and running on your site ASAP, click here to schedule your call.

Want More Traffic to Your Website? Learn The “Secret” To More Traffic

Most people overcomplicate getting traffic to their business.

There is a “secret” to getting a lot more traffic to your site. It follows a similar process to how professional sports teams win championships.

Sitting by a pool in Las Vegas, sportswriter Bill Simmons was NBA Hall of Famer & two-time champion Isiah Thomas….

….and Isiah revealed the “secret of basketball” to Bill.

The craziest part?

The secret is that it has nothing to do with basketball.

It has to do with 5 guys working together unselfishly. It has to do with relentless focus on the fundamentals.

It’s about a system that is greater than the sum of its parts.

The secret of traffic is similar to the secret of basketball.

The secret to getting tons of traffic has nothing to do with traffic.

The Secret to More Traffic (AKA “The World’s Most Consistent Salesman”)

Have you ever read The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes or The E Myth by Michael Gerber?

Both books stress systems, machines, and processes for business. They show you how sales can be a precise process. Your salesman will take prospects through the exact same steps every time.

(Note:If you’re doing personalization in your marketing, then your website will show different messages to visitors based on how they came to the site & the device they’re using to visit you.

For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say your salesman (AKA your website) will always show every prospect (AKA site visitor) the same thing.

Want higher conversion rates on your website? One of my best prescriptions is to start adding more personalization to your website.

End Note)

Suppose you had that kind of salesman: the most consistent salesman in the world. He says, does, & performs the exact same presentation every time.

This salesman closes 2 out of 100 leads that he speaks with. After looking at his precise, consistent process – – you believe he could do better.

With a few tweaks and changes, he could close 4 out of 100.

What makes more sense:

1)     Do nothing. Allow your consistent salesman  to keep closing 2 leads out of 100.


2)   Install the change(s).  And then commit to regularly working to help equip your salesman to be more effective. That means dedicating at least 35% of your paid traffic budget towards conversion optimization. It will pay for itself very quickly & powerfully.

Oh, and your salesman loves company so be sure you continue sending him more prospects to get to meet & serve.

Here’s the thing. You already have the most consistent salesman in the world:  Your website.

Visitors (aka leads) see the exact same things. They follow the same conversion paths/funnels every time they visit.

Look at your data.

What is your salesman’s closing rate (aka conversion rate)?

Has it been pretty consistent over time?

(Not including before/after significant site changes or during seasonal holiday/sales boosts)

So what does this have to do with the secret to traffic? Everything.

You Don’t Have a Traffic Problem, You Have a Conversion & Economics Problem

Let’s say you’ve got a product or service that you sell for $100. And that is all your business produces. Once someone buys it once, that is everything they’re able to buy from you.

Your economics is thus stuck at $100 per buyer.

Let’s say you can buy traffic for $1 per visitor to your site. You would need 1 out of 100 people to buy your $100 product or service to break even.

A 1% conversion rate is the tipping point of profitability (on ad spend at least).

What happens when many people create a new ad campaign, only 1 out of every 200 people buy? With a 0.50% conversion rate, we’d lose money with each click we buy.

Which means there are two levers we can pull to become profitable:

1)     Improve the conversion rate to at least 1%

2)   Create new, valuable products & services to now earn $200 per buyer

Traffic is not your problem here.

Getting more Traffic will never improve the Conversion or the Economics sides of your equation.

Traffic is a Commodity. Conversion and Economics are Assets

Even if you get 10,000 visitors today, you have to start anew from zero tomorrow. Same if you get 20,000,000 visitors today.

When a visitor comes, one of two things will happen: either he will convert or he won’t convert. If he converts, great. If not, then the visitor adds to your analytics count for the day but doesn’t produce any tangible or lasting value after the visit is “consumed”.

And that last sentence sounds a lot like the definition of a commodity.

If you’re #1 in organic Google results for your keywords, then that is an asset. A powerful asset that reliably brings you traffic every day. 

Don’t get complacent though….

As we’ll discuss later in the book, it’s an asset that can easily be taken away from you. Especially if you have a competitor that out-converts you.

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You’ve been reading an excerpt from Profit Hacking. Get two chapters from it free by clicking the image below:

Profit Hacking Review - Free Two Chapter Preview

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Conversion, on the other hand, is an asset by definition.

If your site converts 1% of visitors today, it’ll likely convert 1% of visitors tomorrow too.  That is assuming you don’t make any changes to your site and allowing for stat variance.

Your site will convert at 1% if you have 1,000 visitors. It will convert at 1% if you have 10,000 visitors. And it will convert at 1% if you have 100,000 visitors.

The same is true with economics.

If you earn $100 per buyer today, you’ll earn $100 per buyer tomorrow. That is ssuming you don’t make any changes to your offers and allowing for stat variance.

An asset works dutifully to earn money day in and day out.

Conversion and Economics are your assets. As you improve them, your “consistent salesman” learns how to better turn visitors into customers.


You do need to have some traffic to be able to validate your business & run A/B tests for growth in Conversion + Economics.

For businesses struggling with traffic generation, I often recommend starting with paid traffic. That is because you can turn the traffic on & off like a faucet.

You can highly target your visitors. And you can get useful, powerful data for your business and about the people you serve.
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You have finished reading an excerpt from the book ‘Profit Hacking’.

If you would like to read the first two chapters for free, click this link or the button below:

Download The First Two Chapters of “Profit Hacking”


Profit Hacking Amazon Rankings and Reviews

(or, if you’re already sold on the whole book, go to to buy the paperback version of Profit Hacking or the Kindle version)


The Profit Hacking Formula

Remember the movie Back To The Future? It’s one of my favorite movies (I actually love all 3 of them) and I vividly remember one part in particular.

Early in the film, Doc Brown explains to Marty how he was standing on his toilet trying to hang a clock in his bathroom. In his attempt, he slipped and knocked himself out by hitting his head on the sink.

When Doc came to, he had a revelation. A vision. A picture in his head of the flux capacitor, the very thing that makes time travel possible.

Fortunately I didn’t need to bang my head to have a similar experience.

The Profit Hacking Formula suddenly came to me (like Doc’s vision of the flux capacitor) while reading Perry Marshall’s book 80/20 Sales & Marketing.

When this realization hit, it became clear there are three levers you can pull to grow your profits:

  • You can get more Traffic
  • You can Convert a higher percentage of your traffic into buyers
  • You can improve your Economics to earn more money per buyer

That’s pretty much it.

Any tactic or strategy you can think of falls into one of those three categories.

These three leverage points compose the three pillars of the Profit Hacking Formula:

T     x       ( C           x               E )             =         R
Traffic  x  (Conversion  x  Economics)  =  Revenue

This formula is the very thing that makes Profit Hacking possible. I will be forever grateful to Perry Marshall for helping me to see it.

The relationship between the three pillars of the formula can be visualized in the same shape at Doc Brown’s flux capacitor:


Ask any martial arts master – –  they’ll tell you that the path to mastery isn’t doing 1,000 things once or twice each…..

….rather it is through the focusing on a small number of things, the fundamentals, and doing them thousands of times.

Bruce Lee himself said “I do not fear a man who has practiced 10,000 kicks. I fear a man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

Profit Hackers don’t practice 10,000 marketing techniques.

Profit Hackers practice the three pillars of the Profit Hacking Formula 10,000 times.

And that’s why they are successful.

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You have been reading an excerpt from Profit Hacking. If you’d like to read a two-chapter preview of the book, click this link or the image below:

Profit Hacking Review - Free Two Chapter Preview

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The next few chapters will focus on each of these three points.

We’ll start at with hacking your Traffic, then we’ll go over hacking your Conversions, and lastly hacking your Economics. Your goal will be to strengthen all three of these leverage points regularly. The coming chapters will show you how.

But first, I want to prime you for what’s coming with a quick example. There’s some math involved, but bear with me – – it’s one of the most powerful lessons this book has for you.

Let’s say you have a site that gets 20,000 visitors per month. You convert 2% of them into buyers and you earn $50 per buyer.

With those numbers, you’re earning $20,000 per month from your site.

Not bad.

But let’s say you want to earn $40,000 per month from your site.

What if you could only pull on one of the three levers to reach that desired goal?

Which of the three pillars has the most leverage?

  • Doubling your traffic from 20,000 a month to 40,000 a month
  • Doubling your conversion from 2% to 4%
  • Doubling your profit per buyer from $50 to $100

Due to the sheer magnitude of the numbers, Conversion tends to have the most leverage, then Economics, and then Traffic.

(it’s generally easier to double a small number than a large number)– – right?)

Don’t forget about this example. In later chapters we’re going to come back to it (in greater depth) as we explore the three pillars of the formula.

Now let’s get started!

The Profit Hack Recap:

  • There are only three ways to increase your profits: increasing your Traffic, dialing up your Conversions, and strengthening your Economics
  • Mastery comes from continuously focusing on a small number of key things
  • The fastest way to double your profits is (usually) through improving Conversion and/or Economics

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You have now read the first chapter of the book ‘Profit Hacking’.

If you would like to read the second chapter, click this link or the button below:

Download The First Two Chapters of “Profit Hacking”


Profit Hacking Amazon Rankings and Reviews

(or, if you’re already sold on the whole book, go to to buy the paperback version of Profit Hacking or the Kindle version)


The #1 Reason Your Shopify Store Isn’t Making More Money….

Imagine if in 1908 after building the Model T, top management at Ford declared:

“We have built the ultimate in automobiles. Further improvement is impossible. Therefore, all experimental engineering and designing activities are hereby permanently terminated.”

I wonder how long a car company would have survived with an attitude like that (or how long one would survive today as we move into alternative energy sources, self-driving cars, and more).

Successful people and successful businesses live with one question in the forefront of their mind:

“How can I improve the quality of what I’m doing? How can I make this better?”

Absolute perfection as a human being, a business, a product, or a website is unattainable. That may seem discouraging at first until you realize that means there is endless room for improvement.

The most successful people and businesses know this. Because of that, they are always searching for a better way.

But unless we have a plan for making those continuous improvements, it is easy to fall victim to ‘the status quo’ or to have your energy & resources pulled exclusively to what is ‘urgent’ rather than what is truly important.

The Monthly Improvement Plan

It is easy to get caught up in all the demands of your business to the point that you lose sight of the key elements of growth that truly drive your revenue & profit higher.

In the book Profit Hacking, I divided growth into three distinct elements:

  • Traffic (the number of visitors who come to your website)
  • Conversion (the percentage of visitors who convert into customers by making a purchase)
  • Economics (the lifetime value of a customer)

Those are the three levers you can move to grow your revenue. You can increase the number of visitors your website gets, you can get more of your visitors to take the action(s) you want them to take, and you can get customers to buy more items (or buy more frequently or create new customers for you via word of mouth).

Because you spend so much time and energy working in, working on, and thinking about your business, you (and members of your team) come up with great ideas all the time about how to improve the performance in those areas….

….but the majority of those ideas end up in the “Good Idea Graveyard” (that sad place where things that would grow your business go when they get lost in the shuffle or never get prioritized & executed)….

….or I’m sure you’ve at some point or another hired an employee, contractor, or consultant to some kind to help execute an idea – – with the results sometimes being great and other times…..not so much….

To ensure you don’t lose any of your team’s ideas, create a simple Google Doc (or any shareable document – – word doc or spreadsheet will do) that your team has access to. You (or anyone else) can drop in any ideas you have during the month so they are there for your review each month.

You can make notes and house ideas for how to improve your business in the doc and then once a month, have two non-negotiable hours blocked off with key members of your team to review the ideas and figure out how to put the most solid ones to use.

You Often Find What You Are Looking For

If I asked you what you find annoying about your family members, I bet it wouldn’t be too difficult to rattle off a couple things pretty quickly. And it would likely affect your mood and how you (temporarily) feel about those family members.

But if I asked you what you love most about your family members, my guess is that you would swell with warmth as you listed off their most endearing qualities.

You can always find evidence or reasons to support what it is you’re focusing on. You can always come up with possible answers for the questions you ask yourself.

Be sure to ask yourself constructive questions – – especially when you’re feeling stuck as far as how to grow your business.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Where do my customers spend their time online? How can my business be present there and engage them so that they visit the site?
  • What questions and concerns do my visitors have when visiting our site? How can our design, layout, images, and copy address those questions and concerns more effectively?
  • Is there a complementary product (or service) our customers need regularly we can offer that would lead them to making purchases from us more frequently?

The #1 Reason Your Shopify Store Isn’t Making More Money….

From (frequent) personal experience, I know what it feels like to read an article that makes me want to take an action (even if that action is to follow a planning process that will lead to more focused, productive actions) but for me to not ever take the first necessary step to make reading that article anything more than entertainment (at best….a waste of time at worst).

Because of that, I took a couple minutes to set up a Google Doc in both Word format and Spreadsheet format for you to copy and share with your team.

Pick whichever makes more sense to you (I personally prefer the Word doc).

This all leads us to the climax of this article – – the #1 reason why your Shopify Store isn’t making more money….

It’s because not enough of your time and attention is on the Conversion portion of your Shopify Store.

You’d have to have been living in an underground nuclear fallout shelter with Christopher Walken (Blast From The Past reference….anyone….oh fine….) for the past few years to not have heard about A/B testing and conversion optimization and how it can increase your Shopify sales.

You probably think it’s a good idea to be doing it and you may even be putting in effort within your team or by hiring outside service providers to execute.

The problem is that there is a steep learning curve involved with A/B testing and it is demotivating to start.

I am all too familiar with the feeling of deeply knowing I should be doing something but that the time, energy, effort, and potentially money involved in starting is too great of a hurdle to overcome….there are only 24 hours in a day after all….

However, I wholeheartedly believe that every business that is serious about growth needs to be actively running at least one A/B test on their website at all times.

A/B testing is one of the surest ways to put your business in a position to experience those continuous improvements we talked about at the beginning. Even if a test you run “loses”, you will still learn something valuable about your visitors (about what they like or don’t like, about what resonates with them, etc).

It isn’t so much how your site looks & performs when it is first designed + built that matters. It’s what you learn and how you put that to use in order to improve from there that counts most.

Bigger success calls for business executives who continually set higher standards for how effectively their company runs. For Shopify Store owners, a huge part of that is in finding ways to improve the conversion rate of their website.

Top success is reserved for those with the attitude and understanding there is always room for improvement and the sooner the commitment to continuous growth is made, the better.

Building & designing a website only to rarely (if ever) run tests on it to improve how well it communicates with and serves your visitors is akin to Ford if they never innovated or improved beyond the Model T.

Every time you run an A/B test, you not only will gain valuable insight into your customers but you give yourself the opportunity to have a significant impact on your bottom line.

My team & I have seen single winning tests increase a Shopify Store’s conversion rate by 5%, 10%, and even up to around 20%.

When you increase your conversion rate, you are getting more from the traffic you already have. That means conversion increases lead not only to an increase in revenue but lead to an even larger increase in profit.

If you are not currently seriously engaged in A/B testing your site (by which I mean you are doing no A/B testing or your team is casually invested in the process), I encourage you make that the #1 item under ‘Conversion’ in your Monthly Improvement Plan.

To help you get the most out of A/B testing and help your Shopify Store reach its full potential, I have two invitations for you:

For those of you who don’t actively engage in conversion optimization activities like A/B testing, there are multiple valid reasons why the majority of Shopify Stores aren’t already doing CRO (conversion rate optimization).

That means you are in good company and it’s actually in a way good news if you’re experiencing success even without the benefits of CRO activity now or in the past. It means your profits can really start seeing significant growth faster than you may have previously thought possible with some conversion improvements.

Here are some of the main reasons why only the ‘early adopter’ Shopify Store owners are currently doing CRO (which means the sooner you get started, the larger of an edge you can gain on the early majority, late majority, and the laggards) :

  • It can be difficult to set up and begin these activities.
  • The experience, knowledge, and necessary skillsets may not exist on your team.
  • You may not know what you should test (let alone how to actually properly execute a test).
  • You may worry about messing up one or more of the moving technological pieces and temporarily screw up your site
  • The possibility does exist that you’ll run tests that perform worse than what already exists on your site and those will cause you to actually lose revenue

For two years, Conversion For Good has helped Shopify Stores avoid these issues by handling the entire process for them.

In the past, the only way to work with us was by agreeing to a 6 month, $60,000 contract for our services. We guarantee at least 100% ROI on that service and are proud to say we’ve blown way past that ROI benchmark for every client.

But we have recently created a new way of working with clients that has been generating a lot of excitement. It has been called “an absolute no brainer” (and the client roster is filling up fast as past clients as well as potential clients from the past two years (who at various points seriously considered paying my team $10K+ per month) are taking me up on this offer at an astonishing rate so far).

If you are currently earning at least $100,000 per month through your Shopify Store, you may be a good partner for us. If you and/or your business exists to help make the lives of others & the world a better place, you may be a perfect partner for us.

Fill out the contact form on this page or email Sheila Herrera* with a little bit about you, your business, and your conversion goals to get the conversation started (and get your Shopify store on the path to increased conversions, revenue, and profits).

* in case the link doesn’t work, you can reach Sheila at

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Profit Hacking gumroad Pay What You Want Offer

If you aren’t yet ready to contact us to potentially partner (and/or you don’t have a Shopify Store and instead use other platforms, business models, payment processors, etc but knew the lessons of this post are insightful for many more business owners outside the world of Shopify), a great place to start is with my book Profit Hacking.

If for no other reason than to see the very interesting (and potentially devious muwahahaha) way of offering a digital product you can craft with a combination of Amazon + gumroad.

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And if you aren’t convinced that reading more of my words will help you make a lot more money than what I’m asking for with the above Profit Hacking offer, then may I interest you in some of my other favorite content on the site:

And if you would like to join my Insiders family, you’ll get in on one of the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary communities* in the universe (well the marketing + personal development ones at least)

* Superlatives taken from the LEGO Movie’s ‘The Special’ (if you haven’t seen that movie….go now and watch it….well join the Insiders and then go watch it…..check Netflix…maybe Redbox?)

Alright, thank you for reading all this – – I really do appreciate that you took the time to read my words. If you want more of them, I’ve offered a few wonderful options (including one where you get to choose how much you pay for a value packed Profit Hacking bundle and one where you get a unique insight into my marketing mind & personal search for my truth that is free-ninety-nine).

Hope to get to know you & hear about your business / mission!

Even if you choose to not take me up on either of these two invitations, I hope this article proves to be much more than “entertainment” and propels your business to greater success.

– Steven Daar

Conversion Optimization for Shopify stores can mean more money for your business

How Conversion Optimization Is The Fastest Path to Increased Shopify Sales

Have you ever had a job in sales?

Even if you haven’t, you can imagine the persistence and discipline required to be successful.

You know the importance of needing to attempt to close the sale by asking for what you want (which is difficult for a lot of people to do actually).

And you can even feel the discomfort of hearing ‘No’ a whole lot more often than you hear ‘Yes’.

Imagine you’re working your job in sales right now and that you are the most persistent and disciplined salesperson on the planet (congratulations!). You are disciplined to the point that you make exactly 100 calls every week without fail.

And you’ve found a precise formula that you follow on every call that works well enough to earn you an income a bit above the amount the average salesperson at your company makes.

Your formula successfully closes 1 out of 100 calls.


Realistically, you’ve got two paths to doubling your revenue:

  • You can start making 200 calls per week (testing the limits of your energy and sanity each week)


  • You can learn through your own trial & error or from the more successful salespeople how to improve your formula to begin closing 2 out of 100 calls

Either way, you will now be making 8 sales every 4 week period when before you were making 4 sales each period.

When you consider the additional investment of time and energy, improving your closing rate feels like the obvious choice (unless of course you are simply dying to work twice as hard as you already do…)

Even if you struggle for a week or two while adopting a new formula, the reward is worth the growing pains many times over.

Simply put, there is far more leverage in improving your closing rate. Going from 100 calls per week to 101 calls per week is a 1% increase. Increasing your closing rate from 1 in 100 to 2 is a 100% increase.

Not to mention that the higher your closing rate is, the more motivating, exciting, and lucrative it is to make calls or begin making more calls.

When each call is more likely to make a sale, each call is worth more to you.

And something magical happens when you increase both the number of calls you make and your closing rate. When you doubled one or the other, you ended up with 8 sales per 4 week period either way.

But what if you increase both by 50% by making 150 calls per week and close 1.5 out of 100 calls? In that situation, you are making 600 calls every 4 week period and closing 1.5 out of every hundred so you end up closing 9 sales.

When you improve multiple separate leverage points, it truly is a case where 1 + 1 = 3

If you really were this salesperson, how stubborn would you have to be to decide you were going to ‘brute force’ your way to more sales solely through doubling the number of calls made?

Especially when you know for a fact there are others using a more effective path to sales than the one you are using….

Well…your Shopify Store is a lot like this mythical ‘persistent and disciplined’ salesman.

Your website shows the exact same content (AKA formula) to every single visitor it gets.

And there’s a good chance your store’s conversion rate has held fairly steady as long as it has followed the same formula. Of course along the way there could be changes in conversion rate with any redesigns, updates to site content, sales you’ve held, seasonality, receiving significant publicity or endorsements, etc

If you want your website (AKA your salesperson) to make more money, you can either bring him more ‘leads or calls’ in the form of increasing your traffic or you can help him discover a better formula or system that improves his closing rate (AKA conversion rate).

[There’s actually a third way to increase profits and I expand on that in my bestselling book Profit Hacking but we’re keeping it simple here]

When dealing with traffic to your website, the difference in “leverage power” between traffic and conversion is even more significant than it was in our imaginary sales career.

In the sales job, we were talking about 100 – 200 calls per week. But your Shopify Store may get thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of visitors each week.

Compared to our sales job, your site receives many more opportunities to convert a prospect into a sale. Because the number of opportunities is much higher, any improvements to your website that increases the conversion rate can mean many more sales each week (and month).

A 2% conversion rate on 100,000 visitors a month is 2,000 sales. You very realistically could be only a few conversion boosting improvements away from a 2.25% conversion rate.

That would be 2,250 sales from the same amount of traffic. 250 more sales at a $40 average order value is an extra $10,000 in revenue.

Depending on how many potential improvements could be made on your site, you could be a few months of diligent focus on improving your Shopify Store’s conversion rate from adding a full percentage point or even a percentage point and a half to how it’s currently performing.

And something curious happens when you increase your conversion rate….

….increasing your traffic actually becomes easier and easier the higher your conversion rate grows.

The reason is that as your conversion rate grows, two things happen:

  • You generate more revenue from the same amount of traffic. Because you do not need to invest more time, energy, or other resources into traffic generation to get this revenue growth, a larger than average percentage of these revenue gains sticks as profit
  • Each visitor to your site is worth more to you as conversion rate grows. When visitors are worth more and more, it becomes easier to invest in new traffic sources.That is because the odds of the investment being profitable are much greater. Advertising opportunities that used to be too expensive to be profitable become viable opportunities.The value of traffic generated by adding members or consultants or agencies to your team who specialize in various traffic sources (SEO, social, content, etc) becomes so great that it is much less risky to invest in those human resources.

And of course the most effective path to growth comes through focus on growing both your traffic and your conversion rate at the same time. Ideally, there should be a focus on growing both at all times.

For most Shopify Store owners I talk to, when I ask them “What are you doing right now to increase your traffic?”, they confidently state several strategies and campaigns currently in action to achieve that goal.

Then when I ask them “What are you doing right now to increase your conversion rate?”, they look at the floor and sheepishly admit they’ve been meaning to start A/B testing, improving their understanding of their analytics data, and other activities that will improve their conversion rate….

….but they just haven’t had the time to prioritize it….

This is the online equivalent to us in our fictional sales job deciding that we don’t have time to learn a new formula that will improve our sales closing rate.

It’s the equivalent of ignoring the leverage that comes with focused improvement on the conversion rate and instead choosing to “brute force” our way to growing earnings.

The point of this isn’t to chastise any Shopify Store owner who isn’t currently doing things like A/B testing but rather to invite you to make a decision now to start – – to begin experiencing faster growth, greater profits (you could even say that you can begin hacking those profits of yours), and harnessing that leverage in your business.

You can even calculate the exact amount of money your Shopify Store is missing out on each month by having a lower conversion rate than what you could have with a few optimizations and winning A/B tests.

There are valid reasons why the majority of Shopify Stores don’t actively engage in conversion optimization activities like A/B testing (even if they fully understand that it is valuable & important):

  • It can be difficult to set up and begin these activities.
  • The experience, knowledge, and necessary skillsets may not exist on your team.
  • You may not know what you should test (let alone how to actually properly execute a test).
  • You may worry about messing up one or more of the moving technological pieces and temporarily screw up your site
  • The possibility does exist that you’ll run tests that perform worse than what already exists on your site and those will cause you to actually lose revenue

For two years, Conversion For Good has helped Shopify Stores avoid these issues by handling the entire process for them.

In the past, the only way to work with us was by agreeing to a 6 month, $60,000 contract for our services. We guarantee at least 100% ROI on that service and are proud to say we’ve blown way past that ROI benchmark for every client.

But we have recently created a new way of working with clients that has been generating a lot of excitement. It has been called “an absolute no brainer” (and the client roster is filling up fast as past clients as well as potential clients from the past two years (who at various points seriously considered paying my team $10K+ per month) are taking me up on this offer at an astonishing rate so far).

If you are currently earning at least $100,000 per month through your Shopify Store, you may be a good partner for us. If you and/or your business exists to help make the lives of others & the world a better place, you may be a perfect partner for us.

Fill out the contact form on this page or email Sheila Herrera* with a little bit about you, your business, and your conversion goals to get the conversation started (and get your Shopify store on the path to increased conversions, revenue, and profits).

* in case the link doesn’t work, you can reach Sheila at

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Profit Hacking gumroad Pay What You Want Offer

If you aren’t yet ready to contact us to potentially partner (and/or you don’t have a Shopify Store and instead use other platforms, business models, payment processors, etc but knew the lessons of this post are insightful for many more business owners outside the world of Shopify), a great place to start is with my book Profit Hacking.

If for no other reason than to see the very interesting (and potentially devious muwahahaha) way of offering a digital product you can craft with a combination of Amazon + gumroad.

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And if you aren’t convinced that reading more of my words will help you make a lot more money than what I’m asking for with the above Profit Hacking offer, then may I interest you in some of my other favorite content on the site:

And if you would like to join my Insiders family, you’ll get in on one of the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary communities* in the universe (well the marketing + personal development ones at least)

* Superlatives taken from the LEGO Movie’s ‘The Special’ (if you haven’t seen that movie….go now and watch it….well join the Insiders and then go watch it…..check Netflix…maybe Redbox?)

Alright, thank you for reading all this – – I really do appreciate that you took the time to read my words. If you want more of them, I’ve offered a few wonderful options (including one where you get to choose how much you pay for a value packed Profit Hacking bundle and one where you get a unique insight into my marketing mind & personal search for my truth that is free-ninety-nine).

Hope to get to know you & hear about your business / mission!

Even if you choose to not take me up on either of these two invitations, I hope this article proves to be much more than “entertainment” and propels your business to greater success.

– Steven Daar