We like to view the conversion & profit optimization process to truly be the process of understanding your customers.
This truly is an endless journey inside the hearts, minds, and souls of your customers. It requires diving deep to know their passions, wants, needs, fears, desires, goals, and values. To understand the problems they are eager to solve, their wounds that need healing, and their unmet desires.
It’s about creating & strengthening a deep connection with your market.
Our process of collecting data, analyzing data, and validating hypotheses through testing leads to better understanding of your customer. Visitors tell you with their clicks, their sign-ups, and their purchases what resonates more with them.
The more you learn, the closer you get to fully understanding your visitors. You can then make your website reflect exactly what it is they are looking for in order to feel comfortable, willing, and properly persuaded to take the desired actions on your site.
When most websites are created, thousands of little assumptions or guesses were made as to what words, images, design, layout, format, colors, etc would be the most effective. Through our process, all those assumptions will be tested and you will learn (with certainty) what actually works.
Piece by piece, your website will speak more effectively with your visitors. As we meticulously track and measure the results of every test & change, we ensure that you keep what works and discard what doesn’t.
The end result is higher conversion rates, a significant lift to your bottom line, and a greater fulfillment of your business’ mission.